e diel, 1 prill 2007

First Post

I'm obsessed with technology and which economic systems can encourage and accelerate the development of new technological advances.

To maximize the development of a country, a governments proper role is to create a rule of law including the enforcement of private contracts and provide for domestic and foreign defense. It should get out of the way of the rest of the economy and let it self-organize itself through the decentralized mechanisms of the price system.

Economic freedom is directly correlated with growth, development, GDP, increased life expectancy, and lower corruption...and those things lead to the happy side effect of increased technological progress.

Economic Freedom of the World.pdf

I plan to make a few occasional posts on this blog, and a big list of links to videos I like.

Thanks for looking.

2 komentet:

Alex Lane tha...

Hey Libsing,
It's quite surprising coming across someone with so many similar interests. Liberty, Singularity, Ron Paul, etc. I tried to send you an email but wasn't able to pull it up. I'm on myspace if you're on there. Request me as a friend, www.myspace.com/alexforronpaul. I just set it up.


Movies Gallery 2011 tha...

Thanks for the info about economic. keep posting.I bookmarked your site.
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